Kingdom Melody Tabs by Arepeggio
In late 2007, a friend of mine dared me to make myself a YouTube-channel and share some recordings of my guitar playing and interpretations. So, by the end of january 2008, I finished uploading eight kingdom melody videos, in addition to a couple of other songs. Back then, I didn't realize that you guys would be asking me all these questions to also make tabs from my arrangements.
My first attempts to create tabs was somehow a bit childish, but I got better eventually. And when we got the Norwegian version of the new song book 'Sing to Jehovah' in 2009, I started on a review of the book to find songs that were easy to create even more tabs from. Now, in 2017, the number of my different kingdom melody tabs has reached about sixty. Maybe I'll make some more tabs too, but I don't know yet. There are many things that require our time, and just like you guys, I think it's important to find balance in how I spend my time.
Now a little tip about the playing: It works pefectly fine to play any of my arrangments without using a capo (capodrasto), but in order to bring the pitch of the melody in tune with the pitch in our songbook, a capo will be needed.
And regarding my written chords in the tabs sheets: It's hardly possible to write unique chords for every change in the tabs, so the chords written are just for guiding purposes. This means that I only show the basic chords for each passage in the tune, just to give a kind of simplified approach for less-experienced players. Similarly, the tabs that I've written, only reflects one of the ways I would play the songs, and not the ONLY way to play them.
For explanation of the images below, please look at the Legends page.
Feel free to click on the titles to watch the tabs on-screen, or click on the images to start downloading files.
Have a nice play...
Kingdom Song #1 - "Jehovah's Attributes"
Kingdom Song #2 - "Jehovah Is Your Name"
Kingdom Song #5 - "God's Wondrous Works"
Kingdom Song #6 - "The Heavens Declare God's Glory"
Kingdom Song #12 - "Great God, Jehovah"
Kingdom Song #16 - "Praise Jah for His Son, the Anointed"
Kingdom Song #17 - "I Want To"
Kingdom Song #28 - "Gaining Jehovah's Friendship"
Kingdom Song #30 - "My Father, My God and Friend"
Kingdom Song #31 - "O Walk With God"
Kingdom Song #36 - "We Guard Our Hearts"
Kingdom Song #38 - "He Will Make You Strong"
Kingdom Song #41 - "Please Hear My Prayer"
Kingdom Song #43 - "A Prayer of Thanks"
Kingdom Song #45 - "The Meditation of My Heart"
Kingdom Song #47 - "Pray to Jehovah Each Day"
Kingdom Song #48 - "Daily Walking With Jehovah"
Kingdom Song #49 - "Making Jehovah's Heart Glad"
Kingdom Song #52 - "Christian Dedication"
Kingdom Song #53 - "Preparing to Preach"
Kingdom Song #57 - "Preaching to All Sorts of People"
Kingdom Song #58 - "Searching for Friends of Peace"
Kingdom Song #59 - "Praise Jah With Me"
Kingdom Song #60 - "It Means Their Life"
Kingdom Song #65 - "Move Ahead!"
Kingdom Song #70 - "Search Out Deserving Ones"
Kingdom Song #72 - "Making Known the Kingdom Truth"
Kingdom Song #77 - "Light in a Darkened World"
Kingdom Song #78 - "Teaching the Word of God"
Kingdom Song #80 - "Taste and See That Jehovah Is Good"
Kingdom Song #81 - "The Life of a Pioneer"
Kingdom Song #83 - "From House to House"
Kingdom Song #86 - "We Must Be Taught"
Kingdom Song #88 - "Make Me Know Your Ways"
Kingdom Song #89 - "Listen, Obey, and Be Blessed"
Kingdom Song #92 - "A Place Bearing Your Name"
Kingdom Song #93 - "Bless Our Meeting Together"
Kingdom Song #94 - "Grateful for God's Word"
Kingdom Song #97 - "Life Depends on God's Word"
Kingdom Song #100 - "Receive Them With Hospitality"
Kingdom Song #103 - "Shepherds - Gifts in Men"
Kingdom Song #108 - "God's Loyal Love"
Kingdom Song #114 - "Exercise Patience"
Kingdom Song #115 - "Gratitude for Divine Patience"
Kingdom Song #116 - "The Power of Kindness"
Kingdom Song #117 - "The Quality of Goodness"
Kingdom Song #118 - "Give Us More Faith"
Kingdom Song #120 - "Imitate Christ's Mildness"
Kingdom Song #121 - "We Need Self-Control"
Kingdom Song #125 - "Happy Are the Merciful!"
Kingdom Song #130 - "Be Forgiving"
Kingdom Song #131 - "What God Has Yoked Together"
Kingdom Song #132 - "Now We Are One"
Kingdom Song #133 - "Worship Jehovah During Youth"
Kingdom Song #134 - "Children Are a Trust From God"
Kingdom Song #135 - "Jehovah's Warm Appeal: "Be Wise, My Son"
Kingdom Song #138 - "Beauty In Gray-Headedness"
Kingdom Song #139 - "See Yourself When All Is New"
Kingdom Song #140 - "Life Without End - At Last"
Kingdom Song #141 - "The Miracle of Life"
Kingdom Song #142 - "Holding Fast to Our Hope"
Kingdom Song #151 - "He Will Call"
"Best Life Ever"